Getting Started
Connecting your Printer to a Computer
12/8/2010 ZP 450 User Guide P1031442-001
Communicating with the Printer

Universal Serial Bus (USB) Communications

The printer is a terminal device when using a universal serial bus interface. You can refer to
the Universal Serial Bus Specification for details regarding this interface.

USB Printer Detectio n and Windows® operating systems.

Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP and later operating systems
support the USB communications with printers. The ZebraDesigner Windows Driver supports
your printer in these operating systems.
These operating s ystems automatica lly detect the p rinter when con nected via the USB
interface. The op erating system au tomatically sta rts a “Add new hard ware’ wizard wh en
connecting the printer for the first time to the PC. Close the wizard. Install the Zebra Windows
Driver found on th e user’s CD. Select the USB port and media size (close st match). Clic k on
the ‘Print test page’ button to verify a successful installation.
The Windows operating system will detect and relink a previously installed printer if it is
reconnected to the USB interface or power is turned on after the PC has finished it’s restart of
the operating system. Ignore the new device detected warnings and close the Task bar prompts.
Wait several seconds for the operating system to match the printer to the driver software. The
warnings will quit and the printer now should be ready to begin printing.

Serial Port and Windows® operating systems

The Windows operating system default settings for th e serial port comm unication clos ely
match the printer’s defaults settings with one exception; the data Flow Control settings. The
Windows default data Flow Control setting is NONE. The printer requires data Flow Control
set to Hardware.
Note • IThe printer does not support Windows Serial Port Plug and Play (PnP) device

detection at this time.