About This Document
Who Should Use This Document
P1031442-001 ZP 450 User Guide 12/8/2010
Who Should Use This DocumentThis User Guide i s intended for use by any person who needs to operate or to troubles hoot
problems with the printer.
How This Document Is OrganizedThe User Guide is set up as follows:
Section Description
Introduction onpage 1 This sectio n describes what you get in your
shipping bo x and prov ides an over view of pri nter
features. This sec tion also has p rocedures that
describe how to open and close the printer and
report any problems.
Getting Started onpage7 This sectio n describes how to set up your pr inter
for the first time and use the most common
operating proced ures for loading media.
Operations and Options onpage25 This section provides media and print handling,
font and l anguage supp ort, and t he set up of l ess
common prin ter config urations.
Maintenance onpa ge 37 This section prov ides routi ne cleaning and
maintenance proced ures.
Troubleshooting onpage 45 This section provides information about printer
error reporting that you might need for printer
troubleshooting. Assorted d iagnostic tests are
Appendix: In terface Wiri ng
on page 59
This section provides additional interface
information and wiring diagrams to assist with
printer to host system integration (typically a PC).
Appendix: Z PL Configur ation
on page 65
This sectio n briefly covers prin ter config uration
and includes a cross-reference to ZPL printer
configura tion commands.