Managing the ZPL Printer Configuration


P1031442-001 ZP 450 User Guide 12/8/2010
Managing t he ZPL Printer Configu ration
The ZPL printer is designed to allow you to change printer settings dynamically for fast first
label out printing. Printer parameters that are persistent, will be retained for following formats
to use. Those set tings will remai n in effect until th ey are changed by subsequent comman ds,
the printer is rese t, power is cycled , or when you re store a parameter t hat has a facto ry default
by using the Feed Button Mode four (4) flash routine. The ZPL Configuration Update
command (^JU) saves and restores printer configurations to initialize (or re-initialize) the
printer with pre-configured settings.
To keep settings after a p ower cycle or prin ter reset, a ^JUS can be sent to t he printer
to save all current persistent settings.
The values are recalled with a ^JUR command to restore the last sa ved value s to you
ZPL stores all pa rameters at once w ith a single comm and discussed ab ove. The legacy E PL
programming language (supported by this printer) changes and saves individual commands
immediately. Most configuration and settings are shared between ZPL and EPL. For example,
changing the speed setting with EPL will also change the speed set for ZPL operations. The
changed EPL setting will persist even after a power cycle or reset issued by either printer
To assist the developer, the printer has a listing of the operating parameters, a Printer
Configuration Label. It can be accessed by using the printer’s Feed button and the Printing a
Tes t L ab el on page 14. The Zebra Setup Utility and the ZebraDesigner™ Windows driver also
print this label and other printer status labels to help you manage your printer.

ZPL Printe r Configurat ion Format

Managing more than one printer can be done creating a printer configuration programming file
to send to on e or more p rinters or Z ebraNet™ Bridge can b e used to clone a pr inter’s setu p.
Figure 1 bel ow shows t he basic str ucture of a ZPL progra mming conf iguration f ile.
See the ZPL progra mmer’s guide and the ZPL Config uration Status to Co mmand Cross-
referen ce onpage 67 to create a programming file. The Zebra Setup Utility (ZSU) can be used
to send prog ramming fil es to the printer. Windows Notepad (t ext editor ) can be use d to creat e
programing files.
Figure 1 • Configuration Parameter Format Structure