Blower On/Off
Display (speed level, delay off, filter clean/change)
Lights On/Dim/Off
Adjust 6 Speed Levels
15 Min Delay Off
1. Blower On/Off
By pressing the blower is switched on and off. When switched on, the blower starts up on speed level 3.
2. Speed Selection
The 6 speed levels are selected by pressing to decrease and
to increase speed levels. The display indicates levels selected.
3. Delay Off
This feature is used for programmed shut down of WKHblowerV 15 minutes after the function is activated. Press once, a
dot flashes in the lower right side of display indicating the function is on. The EORZHUVwill shut down after 15 minutes.
4. Lights On/Dim/Off
Switch lights on by pressing once, press a second time to dim and again to shut off lights.
5. Display Window
The display window indicates speed levels and features such as metal filter clean reminder, delay off and charcoal filter change reminder.
Metal Filter Clean Reminder (metal mesh filter)
After every 30 hours of use the display will start flashing an F
reminding you to clean the metal filters from residue and possible clogs.
The standard metal mesh filters are required to be cleaned frequently and as recommended in order to maintain blower efficiency. If improperly maintained, residue from cooking will sift through filters and cause damage to hood blowers and other sensitive components; and possible clog duct work and create a fire hazard.
Features & Controls - Touch Controls