Prestige 100 and 100IH ISDN Router and Router/Hub
mutual authentication, | SPID, xvi, |
NIC, | SUA, |
North American ISDN, | subnet mask, |
PAP, | switch types, |
password, | syslog, |
Ping, | system name, |
POTS, | system status, |
power adapter, | Target Utility, |
PPP, | TCP/IP, |
private, | TCP/IP filter rule, |
remote node, | Telco Options, |
Remote Node, | Telecommuter, |
restore, | telnet, |
RIP, | trace, |
Service Profile Identifier. See SPID | troubleshooting, |
Single User Account, | UTP, |
SMT, | WAN address, |
software update, |
Index |