Prestige 100 and 100IH ISDN Router and Router/Hub
Table 4-3 Remote Node PPP Options Menu Fields
Field | Description | Option |
Encapsulation | Select the CISCO PPP only when this remote node | Standard |
| is a Cisco machine; otherwise, select the Standard | PPP |
| PPP. | CISCO |
| ||
| |
| PPP |
Compression | Turn on/off Stac Compression. The default for this | On/Off |
| field is Off. | (Default = |
| |
| Off) |
Multiple Link Options: |
BOD Calculation | Select the direction of the traffic you wish to use in | Default = |
| determining when to add or subtract a link. The | Transmit or |
| default for this field is Transmit or Receive. | Receive |
Base Trans Rate | Select the base data transfer rate for this remote | 64/128 |
| node in Kbps. There are two choices for this field- |
| 64 where only one channel is used or 128 where |
| two channels are used as soon as a packet triggers |
| a call |
Max Trans Rate | Enter the maximum data transfer rate allowed for | 64/128 |
| this remote node. This parameter is in kilobits per |
| second. There are two choices for this field- same |
| as above. |
Target Utility (Kbps) | Enter the two thresholds separated by a | Default=10- |
| subtracting and adding the second port. | 20 |
Add Persist | This parameter specifies the number of seconds | Default = 5 |
| where traffic is above the adding threshold before | sec |
| the Prestige will bring up the second link. |
Subtract Persist | This parameter specifies the number of seconds | Default = 5 |
| where traffic is below the subtraction threshold | sec |
| before your Prestige drops the second link. |
Once you have completed filling in Menu 11.2 – Remote Node PPP Options, press [Enter] at the message [Press ENTER to Confirm…] to save your configuration, or press [Esc] at any time to cancel.
Remote Node Configuration |