ZyAIR G-2000 Plus Quick Start Guide

ESSID is a unique name to identify the ZyAIR in a wireless LAN. Enter a descriptive name.

The range of radio frequencies used by IEEE 802.11b/g wireless devices is called a channel.

Select a channel ID that is not already in use by a neighboring device.

Select None, Basic (WEP) or Extended (WPA-PSK)from the drop-down list box as the level of wireless security. Choose None security to have no wireless LAN security configured. If you do not enable any wireless security on your ZyAIR, your network is accessible to any wireless networking device that is within range.

Choose Basic (WEP) security if you want to configure WEP Encryption parameters.

Choose Extended (WPA-PSK)security to configure a Pre-Shared Key. Choose this option only if your wireless clients support WPA-PSK.

The third screen varies depending on which security level you select.

The wireless stations and ZyAIR must use the same ESSID, channel ID and WEP encryption key (if WEP is enabled) or WPA-PSK (if WPA-PSK is enabled) for wireless communication.

3.Choose Basic (WEP) security in the previous screen to setup WEP Encryption parameters.



WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)





encrypts data frames before



transmitting over the wireless






The higher the WEP Encryption, the



higher the security but the slower


Use Passphrase


the throughput.


to automatically



generate a key or

Select 64-bitor 128-bitfrom the


manually enter a

WEP Encryption drop-down list.


key in one of the



Key 1~ 4 fields.

Select ASCII or Hex WEP key input



method and then follow the on-





screen instructions to set up the



WEP keys.





You can generate or manually enter



a WEP key by either:

Entering a Passphrase (up to 32 printable characters) and clicking Generate. The Prestige automatically generates a WEP key.


Entering a manual key in a Key field and selecting ASCII or Hex WEP key input method.

4.Choose Extend (WPA-PSK)security in the second wizard screen to set up a Pre-Shared Key.