Chapter 2 Initial Configuration

3P-2702R Only: The Phone 2 SIP Settings screen appears next. If you want to set up a second VoIP account, select Enable SIP then enter the information for the second VoIP account as you did for the first one in step 2.

If you do not want to configure a second VoIP account at this time, you can do so later in the VoIP > SIP > SIP Settings screen of the advanced Web Configurator.

4Click Finish to save your settings.

2.3.1Test Your VoIP Connection

After you finish configuring your VoIP account (s), the wizard tests your SIP account settings then indicates whether or not they are valid. If they are not, try re-configuring them.

If you still cannot access after using the settings provided by your VoIP service provider see Troubleshooting on page 37.



P-27XX Series User’s Guide