Chapter 6 The OS X Configuration Utility

To enter the NMK for a Powerline adapter, select the device icon in the left panel of the main utility screen and then click Change Network Name (NMK) in the main utility screen.

Figure 23 Change Network Name (NMK)

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 8 Change Network Name (NMK)



Network Name

The network name may consist of 8 to 64 letters, numerals and


any printable character found on a typical English language


keyboard. Spaces are not allowed.



All authenticated

Click this button to display a screen showing other Powerline


devices that are already in the same Powerline network as the


selected Powerline adapter.


Click OK to change their NMKs to the Network Name you


entered here. Click Cancel to not change them and return to


the previous screen.



This device only

Click this button to just update the NMK on the selected


Powerline adapter.




Click this button to close this window without saving any





6.1.5 Change Nickname

You can give each device in your Powerline network a ‘friendly name’ in order to easily distinguish them in your Powerline network. The name may consist of up to 64 letters, numerals and any printable character found on a typical English language keyboard. Type a nickname, for example, ‘bedroom’, and then click OK.

Figure 24 Change Nickname)

6.1.6 QoS Settings

You can configure the Powerline adapters on your network to give priority to data they transmit.



PLA-407 User’s Guide