Chapter 7 Powerline Network Setup Tutorial

5The settings for the adapter will now grey out and the adapter will disappear from the table after a few minutes.

Figure 48 An Adapter on Your New Network

6Go back to step 3 in this section to set the same, new Network Name for all remote adapters you want to add to your new network.

7Check you have added the adapters correctly by changing the network name for the local adapter. All adapters with the new Network Name now appear in the list of adapters on your network. These adapters are now part of your new network.

Figure 49 Adapters on a New Powerline Network

If you want to access any of your new Powerline networks using the PLA-4xx Series Configuration Utility, change the Network Name on your local adapter to the network name for the network you want to access. The adapters on that network will then display in the adapter table, allowing you to select and configure each one.



PLA-407 User’s Guide