Husqvarna 143R-II Trimmy SII, 095-.130, 7,0 m, 12 cm, ~ 3,5 m, ~ 15 cm, Clic, 35-50NM, 2,4-3,3mm

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Trimmy SII

Trimmy SII
















7,0 m











12 cm









~ 3,5 m













~ 15 cm






















35-50 NM


Image 34
Contents Page The operator of the machine must KEY TO SYMBOLSSymbols ensure, while working, that noKEY TO SYMBOLS CONTENTSContents CONTENTSINTRODUCTION WHAT IS WHAT? What is what on the brushcutter?Personal protective equipment GENERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONSWARNING! Listen out for warning signals WARNING! The ignition system of thisThrottle lockout Machine′s safety equipmentWARNING! Never use a machine with Vibration damping system Stop switchCutting attachment guard WARNING! Never use a cuttingLocking nut Quick releaseMuffler WARNING! The inside of the mufflerCutting equipment WARNING! Using an incorrect cuttingCutting equipment Sharpening grass cutters and grass bladesTrimmer head Fitting the main body ASSEMBLYConnecting throttle cable and stop switch wires Assembling the handlebar and throttleFitting blades and trimmer heads 1-2mmG E F D B C Fitting the guard extensionFitting the trimmer guard and trimmer head H L M C BA AM LFitting the transport guard Adjusting the harness and clearing sawWARNING! When using a clearing saw it Standard harnessFUEL HANDLING Fuel safetyWARNING! Take care when handling fuel FuelMixing precautions, will lessen the risk of fireFuelling WARNING! Taking the followingStarting and stopping STARTING AND STOPPINGCheck before starting StartingStopping WARNING! When the engine is startedstarter cord around your hand General working instructions Basic safety rulesWORKING TECHNIQUES WARNING! Neither the operator of theGrass trimming with a trimmer head Grass clearing using a grass bladeBasic working techniques WARNING! Sometimes branches orCutting SweepingCarburettor MAINTENANCEAdjusting the idle speed T MufflerFuel filter Cleaning the air filterAir filter Bevel gearmaintenance Maintenance scheduleMaintenance DailyTechnical data TECHNICAL DATATechnical data WeightApplies to Europe only Approved accessoriesEC-declarationof conformity TypePage 15 cm 8,5 m 28 10 cm 4,2 mClic 2,4-2,7 mm095-.106 2,4-2,7mm4,25 m T35, T35x 8,5 m 28 10 cm 4,3 m10 m 32 10 cm 4,3 m T45, T45x2,7-3,3 mm B 8 m / 26’ T55xA 2,7 - 4,0 mm C 15 cm7,0 m Trimmy SII095-.130 12 cm