- California Only -
Makita U S A Inc a distributor of utility and lawn and garden equipment in the U S , warrants to the owner of 1995 and later utility and/or lawn and garden equipment engines that the engine ( 1 ) has been designed built apa equipped at the time of manufacture so as to conforrn with the applicable iegulations of the California Ai, Resources Board and (2) is free from defects in materials and workmanship which may cause it to fail to c m - form with those regulations as applicable according to the terms and conditions stated below
The warranty period begins on the date which the utility and'or lawn and garden equipment engine is delivered !o the original retail purchaser and ends two years after that date During this two year period Makita U S k Inc warrants to the original retail purchaser and each subsequent purchaser that the engine is free from defect in material and workmanship that can cause the farlure of a warranted
Repair and/or replacement of any warranted
Any warranted part which is not scheduled for replacement as required maintenance, or which IS scheduled cnly tor regular inspection to the effect of "repairor replace as necessary" shall be warranted for the warranty peri3d Any warranted part which is scheduled for replacement as required maintenance shall be warranted for t h e p w -
\ oc of time up to the first scheduled replacement of that part This warranty shall apply only towards the remlr replacement, and/or adjustment of the component parts listed below
1Fuel Metering Systems
(a)Carburetor and its internal parts
(b)Air cleaner plate
(c)Air cleaner case
(d)Air cleaner element
(e)Fuel filter
2.Ignition Systems
(a)Spark Plug
(b)Flywheel Magneto
(c)Ignition Coil
3.Other Miscellaneous Items Used in Above Systems
(a)Fuel Hoses
(b)Sealing Gaskets
- | If it IS determined by an authorized warranty station that other engine components have been damaged due to | * . |
| the failure of a warranted |
| replace the necessary components |