Troy-Bilt 664DM, E666MM manual Maintenanceandstorage, Keepchildren and pets away

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7.Takeall possible precautions when leavingthe machineunattended. Stop the engine. Removeignition key on electric start models. Disconnect spark plug wire and move it awayfrom the spark plug. MoveWheel Gear Leverto ENGAGE.

8.Before cleaning, repairing, or inspect- ing, stop the engine, remove the ignition keyon electric start models, and make certain all moving parts havestopped. Disconnectthe spark plug wire and preventit from touching the spark plug to preventaccidental starting. Onelectric start models, always removethe cable from the negativeside (-) of the battery.

9.Always keepthe tiller tine hood flap down, unless using the hiller/furrower attachment.

10.Never usethe tiller unless proper guards, plates,or other safetyprotective devicesarein place.

11.Do not run engine in an enclosed area. Engineexhaust contains carbon monoxide gas,a deadly poison that is odorless, colorless, and tasteless.

12.Keepchildren and pets away.

13.Never operatethe tiller under engine powerif the Wheel Gear Lever is

in DISENGAGE(FREEWHEEL). In this position,the wheels will not hold the tiller backand the revolvingtines could propelthe tiller rapidly, possibly causing loss of control. Always movethe Wheel GearLever to ENGAGEbefore starting the engine or engagingthe tines/wheels with the ForwardClutch Control or the ReverseClutch Control.

14. Be aware that the tiller may unex-

pectedlybounceupward or jump forward if the tines shouldstrike

extremely hard packedsoil, frozen ground,or buried obstacleslike large stones, roots, or stumps.If in doubt aboutthe tilling conditions,always use the following operatingprecautionsto

assistyou in maintainingcontrolof the tiller:

a.Walk behindand to one side of the tiller, using one handon the han- dlebars. Relax your arm, but use a secure hand grip.

b.Use shallowerdepth regulatorset- tings, working graduallydeeper with each pass.

c.Use slower engine speeds.

d.Clearthe tilling area of all large stones, rootsand other debris.

e.Avoid using downwardpressure on handlebars.If need be, use slight upward pressureto keep the tines from diggingtoo deeply.

f.Beforecontactinghard packedsoil at the end of a row, reduceengine speed and lift handlebarsto raise tines out of the soil.

g.In an emergency,stop tines and wheels by releasing whichever ClutchLever is engaged. Do not attemptto restrain the tiller.

15.Do not overload the tiller'scapacity by attempting to till too deeply at too fast a rate.

16.Neveroperate the tiller at high trans- port speeds on hard or slippery surfaces. Look behind and use care when backing


17.Do not operatethe tiller on a slope that is too steepfor safety. When on slopes, slow down and makesure you have good footing. Never permit the tiller to freewheel down slopes.

18.Neverallow bystanders nearthe unit.

19.Only use attachments and acces- sories that areapproved by the tiller manufacturer.

20.Usetiller attachments and acces- sories when recommended.

21.Neveroperatethe tiller without good visibility or light.

22.Neveroperatethe tiller if you aretired, or underthe influenceof alcohol,drugs or medication.

23.Operatorsshall not tamperwith the engine-governorsettingsonthe machine; the governorcontrols the maximumsafe operatingspeedto protectthe engineand all movingpartsfrom damagecausedby overspeed.Authorizedserviceshall be soughtif a problemexists.

24.Do not touch enginepartswhich may be hotfrom operation. Letpartscool down sufficiently.

25.The batteryon electricstart modeltillers contains sulfuric acid.Avoid contactwith

skin, eyes,or clothing. Keepout of the reachof children.

Antidote-External Contact:Flushimme- diatelywith lotsof water.

Antidote-Internal: Drinklargequantities of wateror milk. Followwith milk of magnesia,beateneggs or vegetableoil. Calla doctor immediately.

Antidote-Eye Contact:Flushwith water for 15 minutes.Get promptmedical


26.Batteriesproduceexplosivegases.Keep sparks,flame,andsmoking materialsaway. Ventilatewhencharging batteriesor when usinga battery inanenclosedspace. ALWAYSwearsafetygoggleswhen working nearbatteries.

27.Pleaseremember:Youcan alwaysstop the tines andwheelsby releasingthe ForwardClutchControlLeverorthe ReverseClutchControlknob (whichever control you haveengaged),or by moving the EngineThrottle ControlLever(located onengine)to STOPon recoil start models or by turning the ignition keyto OFFon electric start models.

28.To loador unloadthe tiller, seethe instructions inSection4 of this Manual.

29.Useextremecautionwhen reversingor pullingthe machinetowardsyou.

30.Starttheenginecarefullyaccordingto instructionsandwith feetwell awayfrom the tines.

31.Neverpick up or carrya machinewhile the engineis running.


1.Keepthe tiller, attachments and acces- sories in safe working condition.

2.Checkall nuts, bolts, and screws at frequent intervals for proper tightness to besure the equipment is in safeworking condition.

3.Neverstorethe tiller with fuel inthe fuel tank insidea buildingwhere ignition sourcesare presentsuchas hot waterand spaceheaters,furnaces,clothes dryers, stoves,electric motors,etc. Allow engineto cool beforestoring in anyenclosure.

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Contents 0TRO--- BI£T Tableof Contents Finding ModelnumberEngineinformation CallingcustomersupportSafety Alert Symbol TrainingPreparation OperationKeepchildren and pets away MaintenanceandstorageSkin, eyes,or clothing. Keepout of the reachof children Decals Introduction Unpackingandassembly InstructionsInspectunit Attach Reverse Clutch Control Cable Onelectric start units, reattachAttach Forward Clutch Control Cable Attaching the Battery Cables Model E666M Check Transmission Gear OIL LevelAttach Wheel Gear Lever Check AIR Pressure in TiresForward Clutch Control Wheel Gear LeverTo Operate the ForwardClutchControl Enginecontrols PRE-START Checklist Startingandstopping EngineBREAK-IN Operation Gasolineis Highly Flammableand ITS Vaporsare ExplosiveStarting the Engine Operatingthe TillerStopping the Engine Turning the Tiller Around Stoppingthe Tiller and EngineWhen tilling soil that hasntbeentilled Ulator settings only an inch or twoPass,adjust the depth regulator to dig When cultivating breaking upTilling up and downslopes Tilling acrossslopeswithout usingterracesTerrace Gardening Powercomposting Loadingand Unloading ThetillerCheckhardware TillerlubricationChecktire Pressure TRANSMISSIONGEAR01LSERVICE Checkforoil LeaksTo CheckTransmissionGear Oil Level To Drain and Refill the TransmissionEnginecleaning EngineoilserviceAIR Cleanerservice SparkplugserviceOFF Seasonstorage WheelgearcableadjustmentBolotines Checking and Adjusting ForwardClutchBelt Tension Checking and Adjusting Tension on Clutch BeltsReverseclutch belt D, -9 Checking and AdjustingReverse ClutchBelt Tension Forward Clutch Beltremoval ReplacementLoosen the two adjuster jam nuts E afew turns TensionInstallingForwardClutchBelt RemovingForwardClutchBeltInstalling ReverseClutch Belt Reverse Clutch Belt Removal ReplacementRemovingReverse ClutchBelt Batterymaintenance Troubleshooting Problem Possible Cause CorrectionBUMPER--MODEL0EM-290-254 Tubular steel bumper helpsto protect the enginefrom damageHILLER/FURROWER--MODEL0EM-290-251 ROWMARKER-- MODEL0EM-290-257Handlebar Assembly and Control Levers Sc,ewl.... JNo. No REF. PartDescription QTY ENGINE, Support BRACKETS, PULLEYS, BELTS, Belt Cover ClutchCableForwardClutchCable 28, RefNo. No.DESCRIPTIONQTY 13 GW-20873 14 GW-1129-1 16 GW-1115 17 GW-1124-2 18 GW-90063 Drive SHAFT, Input Pinion Shaft and Gear Assemblies Input Pinion SHAFT& GearassemblyDescription QTY Main Driveshaft REF. Part Wheel SHAFT, Eccentric Shaft and Tiller Shaft Assemblies Part Description QTYBolo TINES, Wheels ROW Marker Attachment Complete Attaches to FurrowerAttachmentBumper Attachment Bumper 0EM-290-254ROW Marker Attachment & Bumper Attachment RowMarkerMain Support& YokeAssembly- Part#1904522001Screw-hexflangedlocking HOOD, Bracket and Depth Regulator PartPart Description HILLER/FURROWER AttachmentQTY. No Model E666M Electric Start Assembly REF. Part Model E666MPage Page TROY-BILT Tiller Lifetime Limited Warranty

E666MM, 664DM specifications

The Troy-Bilt 664DM and E666MM models are well-regarded in the realm of outdoor power equipment, particularly within the segment of garden tillers. Both tillers are designed to deliver exceptional performance, making them ideal choices for home gardeners and landscaping enthusiasts alike.

The Troy-Bilt 664DM features a robust 210cc engine that provides ample power for breaking up hard soil and preparing garden beds. Its 18-inch tilling width allows for efficient coverage, making quick work of larger plots of land. One of the key features of the 664DM is its dual-direction tilling capability, which means it can till forward and backward. This innovative design helps to improve soil aeration and allows for a more thorough mixing of soil, compost, and nutrients. With a convenient depth adjustment feature, users can easily modify the tilling depth to accommodate different gardening needs, ranging from shallow tilling for seedbed preparation to deeper tilling for planting.

On the other hand, the Troy-Bilt E666MM goes above and beyond with its innovative features tailored for ease of use and efficiency. Powered by a 270cc engine, this tiller is engineered for heavy-duty tasks and can handle larger areas with ease. It boasts a 16-inch tilling width and a maximum tilling depth of up to 12 inches, making it an excellent option for breaking new ground or revamping existing gardens.

A standout feature of the E666MM is the inclusion of Troy-Bilt’s patented "Power Reverse" technology. This allows operators to effortlessly reverse the tilling direction, reducing the effort required when maneuvering in tight spaces or around garden obstacles. Additionally, the E666MM includes a durability-enhancing cast iron gear case and sealed ball bearings, ensuring a long-lasting and low-maintenance experience.

Both models emphasize user comfort with ergonomic handlebars and adjustable grips, minimizing strain during extended tilling sessions. The easy-to-start engines incorporate advanced combustion technology, promoting fuel efficiency while reducing emissions.

In summary, the Troy-Bilt 664DM and E666MM tillers standout in the garden tilling market for their robust construction, cutting-edge technologies, and user-friendly characteristics, making them suitable choices for both novice and experienced gardeners looking to elevate their outdoor gardening projects.