Image Orientation
The image orientation changes depending on how the eyepiece is inserted into the telescope. When using the star diagonal with refractors and
Newtonian reflectors produce a
Actual image orientation as seen
with the unaided eye
Reversed from left to right, as
viewed using a Star Diagonal on a refractor or
Inverted image, normal with Newtonians and as viewed with eyepiece directly in other scopes
To focus your refractor or Newtonian telescope, simply turn the focus knob located directly below the eyepiece holder. Turning the knob clockwise allows you to focus on an object that is farther than the one you are currently observing. Turning the knob counterclockwise from you allows you to focus on an object closer than the one you are currently observing.
For astronomical viewing, out of focus star images are very diffuse, making them difficult to see. If you turn the focus knob too quickly, you can go right through focus without seeing the image. To avoid this problem, your first astronomical target should be a bright object (like the Moon or a planet) so that the image is visible even when out of focus. Critical focusing is best accomplished when the focusing knob is turned in such a manner that the mirror moves against the pull of gravity. In doing so, any mirror shift is minimized. For astronomical observing, both visually and photographically, this is done by turning the focus knob counterclockwise.
The emblem on the end of the focus knob shows the correct rotational direction for
focusing your telescope.
Note: If you wear corrective lenses (specifically glasses), you may want to remove them when observing with an eyepiece attached to the telescope. However, when using a camera you should always wear corrective lenses to ensure the sharpest possible focus. If you have astigmatism, corrective lenses must be worn at all times.
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