Seeing conditions refers to the stability of the atmosphere and directly affects the amount of fine detail seen in extended objects. The air in our atmosphere acts as a lens which bends and distorts incoming light rays. The amount of bending depends on air density. Varying temperature layers have different densities and, therefore, bend light differently. Light rays from the same object arrive slightly displaced creating an imperfect or smeared image. These atmospheric disturbances vary from
The conditions described here apply to both visual and photographic observations.
Seeing conditions directly affect image quality. These drawings represent a point source (i.e., star) under bad seeing conditions (left) to excellent conditions (right). Most often, seeing conditions produce images that lie some where between these two extremes.
Using the Lens Cap Aperture Stop with Refractor Telescopes
As mentioned earlier, all refractive optics will exhibit some amount of chromatic aberration due to the prism effect of lenses. Chromatic aberration will become more pronounced the farther the incoming light rays are
The objective lens cap covering the objective lens of the telescope has a
The lens cap should always be completely removed when observing
Another useful technique for reducing aberrations and improving planetary detail is the use of colored eyepiece filters. Filters are commonly used to bring out particular planetary detail, such as the polar caps on Mars or the bands and zones around Jupiter. The use of Celestron's Minus Violet Refractor Filter (#94121) reduces the effect of chromatic aberration as well as improves contrast and resolution.