qALARM indicator
Blinks red when informing the setting or battery status (pp.58–59).
wLAMP REPLACE indicator
Lights yellow when the projection lamp reaches its end of life (pp.65, 71).
eON/STAND–BY button
Turn the projector on or off (pp.22–23).
rINPUT button
Select an input source (pp.30–31, 40–41).
tKEYSTONE button
Correct keystone distortion (pp.26, 48).
yPOINT ed7 8 (VOLUME +/–) buttons
–Select an item or adjust the value in the On-Screen Menu (p.24).
–Pan the image in the Digital zoom + mode (p.39).
–Adjust the volume level (Point 7 8 buttons) (p.27).
uSELECT button
–Execute the selected item (p.24).
–Expand or compress the image in the Digital zoom mode (p.39).
iWARNING indicator
–Lights red when the projector detects an abnormal condition.
–Blinks red when the internal temperature of the projector exceeds the operating range (pp.62, 71).
oPOWER indicator
–Lights red when the projector is in stand-by mode.
–Lights green during operations.
–Blinks green in the Power management mode (p.52).
–Correct vertical keystone distortion and adjust computer display parameters such as Fine sync., Total dots, and Picture position (pp.26, 47).
–Display the image in SD card or return to the menu bar in Memory Viewer menu.
Refer to the owner's manual of "Network Set-up and Operation" and owner's manual of Memory viewer.
!1MENU button
Open or close the On-Screen Menu (p.24).