About RGB and CMY | 71 |
Unsharp mask | 72 |
Saving image corrections | 73 |
Loading | 73 |
Custom Wizard | 74 |
Batch Scan Utility | 76 |
Advanced Batch Scan setup | 78 |
Color matching | 80 |
Setting the output color space | 80 |
Output color spaces | 81 |
Setting the monitor ICC profile | 82 |
Scanner color profiles | 82 |
Color matching recommendations | 83 |
Auto Dust Brush | 84 |
Before installing the | 84 |
Installation - Windows | 84 |
Installation - Macintosh | 86 |
Using the Auto Dust Brush | 87 |
Appendix | 89 |
Glossary of common terms | 89 |
Uninstalling the DiMAGE Scan software | 90 |
Installed file and folders | 91 |
Job file list | 92 |
Troubleshooting | 94 |
Checking software installation - Windows | 95 |
Technical specifications | 96 |
Technical support | 97 |
Warranty and product registration | 97 |
Record keeping | 97 |
Image Data Sheet | 98 |
Color examples | 99 |
Konica Minolta is a trademark of Konica Minolta Holdings, Inc. DiMAGE is a trademark of Konica Minolta Camera, Inc. Microsoft, Windows, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000 Professional, and Windows XP are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation. Macintosh, Apple, and Power Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Adobe and Photoshop are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. CorelPhotoPaint is a trademark of the Corel Corporation. Paint Shop Pro is the copyright of Met’s Corporation. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.