6. Using the Projector in a Network
In this section, the software names have been abbreviated as follows:
Dynamic Image Utility 2.0 to DIU 2.0, Viewer PPT Converter 2.0 to PPTC 2.0, and Image Express Utility 1.0 to IEU 1.0.
<Problem> Installation does not complete normally.
Check Points | Countermeasures |
When using Windows 2000, did you log on with "Administra- | When using Windows 2000 or Windows XP, log on with the |
tors" authority? When using Windows XP, did you log on with | authority described at the left and then install. |
"Computer Administrator" authority? |
Has Microsoft PowerPoint 2000/2002 been installed on the | When the message described at the left appears part way |
personal computer to which this projector software is being | through the installation, |
installed? | PowerPoint; however, the installation of this projector software |
When this projector software is installed on a personal | will be completed normally. |
computer that does not have PowerPoint 2000/2002 installed, | To have |
a message to the effect of "Error in the automatic registration of | this projector software to a personal computer on which |
PPTViewer2.dll" will appear part way through the installation. | PowerPoint 2000/2002 has been installed. |
<Problem> Viewer PPT Converter 2.0 does not function. (PPTC 2.0) | |
Check Points | Countermeasures |
Has Microsoft PowerPoint been installed on the personal | Install PowerPoint on the personal computer. Or, install Viewer |
computer? | PPT Converter 2.0 on a personal computer on which |
| PowerPoint has been installed. |
<Problem> When using the projector control function, the projector power does not switch on. (DIU 2.0) | |
Check Points | Countermeasures |
Are the personal computer and the projector connected by a | Connect the personal computer and the projector with an serial |
serial cable? | cable or USB cable. |
Or, are the personal computer and the projector connected by | Or, check the LAN port |
a LAN? | optional wireless LAN card for wireless LAN connection. |
When the personal computer and the projector are connected | In the [Projector Options][Setup] menu of the projector, place |
with a LAN, is the projector in the idle mode? | checkmark in “Idle Mode”. Connect a power cable to the |
| power outlet and set the main power switch to "I (On)". |
<Problem> You want to delete the PowerPoint
Check Points | Countermeasures |
Installing this projector software when Microsoft PowerPoint | Please see the PowerPoint Help function for the method of |
2000/2002 has already been installed on the personal | deleting PowerPoint |
computer, will result in the automatic registration of the | The PowerPoint |
to PowerPoint. | when this projector software is uninstalled. |