Bar Code*** |
| OCR*** |
Bar Code Reading On/Off | F60 | OCR On/Off | F76 |
Partial Bar Code Reading On/Off | F66 |
Bar Code Reading Confirmation Tone | F63 | Patch Reader |
Bar Code/Patch Reading Conf. Tone | F62 | Patch Reader 1 On/Off | F50 |
Bar Code Test | F65 | Patch Reader 2 On/Off*** | F51 |
Omit Bar Code Reading on Next Doc.† | F64 | End Fed Patch Reading On/Off*** | F52 |
| Patch Reading Confirmation Tone*** | F53 |
Document Controller |
| Omit Patch Reading on Next Doc.† | F54 |
Length Checking On/Off | F70 |
Omit Length Checking on Next Doc.† | F71 |
Skew Detection | F72 |
Document Printers
All Document Printers On/Off | F40 |
Primary Document Printer 1 On/Off | F41 |
Secondary Doc Printer 1 On/Off*** | F42 |
Document Printer 12 On/Off | F43 |
Omit Printing on Next Document† | F44 |
Print Position | F46 |
Print Test | F45 |
Printer Character Shift | F39 |
Printer Open Jet Test | F56 |
Purge Frequency | F49 |
Purge Print Head† | F48 |
Document Sorter***
Document Sorter On/Off | F80 |
Sort Next Doc. Only into Specified Bin† | F81 |
Sort All Doc. into Specified Bin | F82 |
Endorser On/Off | F57 |
Endorser Mode | F58 |
Endorser Print Position | F59 |
Footswitch Confirmation Tone*** | F75 |
†May be executed while transport is running.
*Available when filming; for use only with Microimager 70 and Scanner/Microimager 990.
**Available when scanning; for use only with Scanner 900, Scanner 923, and Scanner/Microimager 990.
***Available when using advanced capabilities; for use only with Microimager 70 with Advanced Function Module installed, Scanner 900, Scanner 923, and Scanner/Microimager 990.