NEC 95F user manual Controls, Reset

Page 9


OSM (On-screen Manager) control buttons on the front of the monitor function as follows:

SELECT Enters and exits the OSM menu.

CONTROL-/+Selects one of the controls and decreases or increases the adjustment.


Resets the highlighted control to the factory setting.


Press -/+ button at the same time for approximately


1 sec.

BRIGHTNESS: Adjusts the overall image and background screen brightness.

CONTRAST: Adjusts the image brightness in relation to the background. (Contrast control is also effective with “-,+” button even though OSM window is not visible.)

RRed Color Control: Adjust the red contrast of the display.

GGreen Color Control: Adjust the green contrast of the display.

BBlue Color Control: Adjust the blue contrast of the display.

Horizontal: Moves the image horizontally left or right.

Vertical position: Moves the image vertically up or down.

Horizontal size: Decreases or increases the horizontal size of the image.

Vertical size: Decreases or increases the vertical size of the image.

The Geometry controls allow you to adjust the curvature or angle of the sides of your display.

Pincushion/Barrel: Decreases or increases the curvature of the sides either inward or outward.

Trapezoid: Decreases or increases the bottom of the screen to be the same as the top.





09.10.2000, 13:39 Uhr

Image 9
Contents MultiSync 75F MultiSync 95F 00Coverall.p65 09.10.2000, 1339 Uhr English 01bXChapterOpener 09.10.2000, 1339 Uhr Declaration of the Manufacturer Contents Figure A.1 Quick StartEnglish-4 Controls ResetMultiSync 95F English-7 Recommended useEnglish-8 Ergonomics Safety Instruction Âesky-1 Prohlá‰ení v˘robceÂesky-2 ObsahObrázek A.1 Âesky-3 Rychl˘ startObrázek C.1 Obrázek D.1 Âesky-4 Obrázek B.1Âesky-5 Ovládací prvkyÂesky-6 MultiSync 95FÂesky-7 Provozní pokynyÂesky-8 Âesky-9 ErgonomikaÂesky-10 Bezpeãnostní pokynyDeutsch-1 Erklärung des HerstellersDeutsch-2 InhaltAbbildung A.1 Deutsch-3 KurzanleitungAbbildung C.1 Abbildung D.1 Deutsch-4 Abbildung B.1Deutsch-5 Bedienelemente9300K 75F Farbtemperatur MultiSync 95FDeutsch-6 Deutsch-7 EinsatzempfehlungenDeutsch-8 VorsichtDeutsch-9 ErgonomieDeutsch-10 Sicherheitsvorkehrungen∆ήλωση τ Περιε Γρήγ Ελληνικά-4 Πλήκτρα ελέγ Παραλληλ Συνιστώµενη Ελληνικά-8 Εργ Ελληνικά-10 Español-1 Declaraciones del fabricanteEspañol-2 ContenidoFigura A.1 Español-3 Inicio rápidoFigura B.1 Español-5 ControlesEspañol-6 9300K 75F Temperatura de color 9300KEspañol-7 Uso recomendadoEspañol-8 Español-9 ErgonomíaEspañol-10 Instrucciones de seguridadFrançais-1 Déclaration du constructeurFrançais-2 ContenuFigure A.1 Français-3 Mise en marche rapideFigure D.1 Français-4 Français-5 CommandesFrançais-6 9300K 75F Réglage des couleursFrançais-7 Conseils d’utilisationFrançais-8 ’emballage pour le transportFrançais-9 Français-10 Consignes de sécuritéItaliano-1 Dichiarazione del CostruttoreItaliano-2 ContenutoDel presente manuale utente Guida rapidaFigura D.1 Italiano-4 Italiano-5 ControlliItaliano-6 9300K 75F Temperatura coloreItaliano-7 Raccomandazioni per l’usoItaliano-8 Italiano-9 ErgonomiaItaliano-10 Istruzioni di sicurezzaNederlands-1 Kennisgeving van de fabrikantNederlands-2 InhoudIllustratie A.1 Nederlands-3 Snel aan de slagIllustratie C.1 Illustratie D.1 Nederlands-4 Illustratie B.1Nederlands-5 BesturingselementenKleiner Rotates Roteren Hiermee roteert u het scherm Nederlands-6Nederlands-7 Aanbevolen gebruikNederlands-8 Nederlands-9 ErgonomieNederlands-10 VeiligheidPolski-1 Deklaracja producentaPolski-2 ZawartoÊç opakowaniaRysunek A.1 Polski-3 Pod∏àczenie monitoraRysunek C.1 Rysunek D.1 Polski-4 Rysunek B.1Polski-5 Panel sterowaniaPolski-6 9300K 75F Temperatura koloruPolski-7 Zalecenia eksploatacyjnePolski-8 Polski-9 ErgonomiaPolski-10 Instrukcja bezpieczeƒstwaЗаявление изготовителя Содержимое Рисунок A.1 Краткое руководство по началу работыРисунок B.1 Select ВЫБОРВход и выход из меню OSM Кнопки управленияParallelogram Параллелограмм Уменьшение или увеличение Техника безопасности и техническое обслуживание Рекомендации по эксплуатацииРусский-8 Эргономика Инструкции по безопасности Üreticinin Bildirimi ∑çindekiler ∂zl∂ Baµlama Ωekil B.1 Kontroller Reset SifirlaTürkçe-6 Türkçe-7 Tavsiye edilen kullan∂mTürkçe-8 Ergonomi Güvenlik Önlemleri XxBack 09.10.2000, 1341 Uhr