NEC 95F user manual Ergonomics

Page 13

Adjust the monitor height so that the top of the screen is at or slightly below eye level. Your eyes should look slightly downward when viewing the middle of the screen.

Position your monitor no closer than 30 cm and no further away than 70 cm from your eyes. The optimal distance is 45 cm.

Rest your eyes periodically by focusing on an object at least 6 m away. Blink often.

Position the monitor at a 90° Xangle to windows and other light sources to minimize glare and reflections. Adjust the monitor tilt so that ceiling lights do not reflect on your screen.

If reflected light makes it hard for you to see your screen, use an anti- glare filter.

Clean your monitor regularly. Use a lint-free, non-abrasive cloth and a non-alcohol, neutral, non-abrasive cleaning solution or glass cleaner to minimize dust.

Adjust the monitorís brightness and contrast controls to enhance readability.

Use a document holder placed close to the screen.

Position whatever you are looking at most of the time (the screen or reference material) directly in front of you to minimize turning your head while you are typing.

Get regular eye checkups.


To realize the maximum ergonomics benefits, we recommend the following:

Adjust the brightness until the background raster disappears.

Do not position the contrast controls to its maximum setting.

Use the preset size and position controls with standard signals.

Use the preset color setting and sides Left/Right controls.

Use non-interlaced signals with a vertical refresh rate between 75-120Hz (75F) and 75-160 Hz (95F).

Do not use primary color blue on a dark background, as it is difficult to see and may produce eye fatigue due to insufficient contrast.





09.10.2000, 13:39 Uhr

Image 13
Contents MultiSync 75F MultiSync 95F 00Coverall.p65 09.10.2000, 1339 Uhr English 01bXChapterOpener 09.10.2000, 1339 Uhr Declaration of the Manufacturer Contents Figure A.1 Quick StartEnglish-4 Controls ResetMultiSync 95F English-7 Recommended useEnglish-8 Ergonomics Safety Instruction Âesky-1 Prohlá‰ení v˘robceÂesky-2 ObsahObrázek A.1 Âesky-3 Rychl˘ startObrázek C.1 Obrázek D.1 Âesky-4 Obrázek B.1Âesky-5 Ovládací prvkyÂesky-6 MultiSync 95FÂesky-7 Provozní pokynyÂesky-8 Âesky-9 ErgonomikaÂesky-10 Bezpeãnostní pokynyDeutsch-1 Erklärung des HerstellersDeutsch-2 InhaltAbbildung A.1 Deutsch-3 KurzanleitungAbbildung C.1 Abbildung D.1 Deutsch-4 Abbildung B.1Deutsch-5 BedienelementeMultiSync 95F 9300K 75F FarbtemperaturDeutsch-6 Deutsch-7 EinsatzempfehlungenDeutsch-8 VorsichtDeutsch-9 ErgonomieDeutsch-10 Sicherheitsvorkehrungen∆ήλωση τ Περιε Γρήγ Ελληνικά-4 Πλήκτρα ελέγ Παραλληλ Συνιστώµενη Ελληνικά-8 Εργ Ελληνικά-10 Español-1 Declaraciones del fabricanteEspañol-2 ContenidoFigura A.1 Español-3 Inicio rápidoFigura B.1 Español-5 ControlesEspañol-6 9300K 75F Temperatura de color 9300KEspañol-7 Uso recomendadoEspañol-8 Español-9 ErgonomíaEspañol-10 Instrucciones de seguridadFrançais-1 Déclaration du constructeurFrançais-2 ContenuFigure A.1 Français-3 Mise en marche rapideFigure D.1 Français-4 Français-5 CommandesFrançais-6 9300K 75F Réglage des couleursFrançais-7 Conseils d’utilisationFrançais-8 ’emballage pour le transportFrançais-9 Français-10 Consignes de sécuritéItaliano-1 Dichiarazione del CostruttoreItaliano-2 ContenutoDel presente manuale utente Guida rapidaFigura D.1 Italiano-4 Italiano-5 ControlliItaliano-6 9300K 75F Temperatura coloreItaliano-7 Raccomandazioni per l’usoItaliano-8 Italiano-9 ErgonomiaItaliano-10 Istruzioni di sicurezzaNederlands-1 Kennisgeving van de fabrikantNederlands-2 InhoudIllustratie A.1 Nederlands-3 Snel aan de slagIllustratie C.1 Illustratie D.1 Nederlands-4 Illustratie B.1Nederlands-5 BesturingselementenKleiner Rotates Roteren Hiermee roteert u het scherm Nederlands-6Nederlands-7 Aanbevolen gebruikNederlands-8 Nederlands-9 ErgonomieNederlands-10 VeiligheidPolski-1 Deklaracja producentaPolski-2 ZawartoÊç opakowaniaRysunek A.1 Polski-3 Pod∏àczenie monitoraRysunek C.1 Rysunek D.1 Polski-4 Rysunek B.1Polski-5 Panel sterowaniaPolski-6 9300K 75F Temperatura koloruPolski-7 Zalecenia eksploatacyjnePolski-8 Polski-9 ErgonomiaPolski-10 Instrukcja bezpieczeƒstwaЗаявление изготовителя Содержимое Рисунок A.1 Краткое руководство по началу работыРисунок B.1 Select ВЫБОРВход и выход из меню OSM Кнопки управленияParallelogram Параллелограмм Уменьшение или увеличение Техника безопасности и техническое обслуживание Рекомендации по эксплуатацииРусский-8 Эргономика Инструкции по безопасности Üreticinin Bildirimi ∑çindekiler ∂zl∂ Baµlama Ωekil B.1 Kontroller Reset SifirlaTürkçe-6 Türkçe-7 Tavsiye edilen kullan∂mTürkçe-8 Ergonomi Güvenlik Önlemleri XxBack 09.10.2000, 1341 Uhr