Printing transparencies
You can load up to 50 transparencies, depending on the thickness of the transparencies.
Step 1: Load the transparencies
•Use transparencies designed for inkjet printers.
•If the transparencies have paper backing sheets, make sure you separate the paper from the transparencies before you load them.
•If your transparencies include instructions, read them carefully.
•Load the transparencies vertically against the right side of the paper support.
•Make sure your transparencies are not used or damaged.
•Make sure the rough (print) side of the transparencies is facing you. If the transparencies have a removable strip, make sure each strip is facing away and down toward the printer.
•Do not force the transparencies into the printer.
•Squeeze and slide the paper guide to the left edge of the transparencies.
Note: If you are using Letter size paper, adjusting the paper guide may not be necessary.
Printing transparencies