Diagnostic Aids
Use these diagnostic test procedures to verify a repair. The test pro- cedures are entered by pressing and holding a button, or buttons, as you turn on the printer. Except for the Hex Print test procedure, the printer does not need to be attached to a host to run the tests. You can press the buttons with the operator panel cover open or closed. You must hold the buttons until all the lights are off. To terminate a test press the Reset button, or turn the printer off. The button pattern is illustrated for each test. Press the buttons that are shaded.
Demo Test
Perform this test with a black print cartridge installed.
This test prints a
Print Fonts Test
Perform this test with a black print cartridge installed.
This test prints a sample of each font installed in the printer. This includes resident fonts and fonts stored in FLASH memory. Fonts downloaded to RAM cannot be printed with this test because the power off/on sequence deletes all RAM fonts. This test also lists the emulation mode and the installed options.
Diagnostic Aids 24