Paper Release Lever Removal
1.Remove the top cover.
2.Pull the paper release lever forward.
3.Place a screw driver into the slot [A] of the paper release lever. Push the screw driver down to release the latch, then remove the lever.
Power Supply Removal
1.Remove the top cover.
2.Disconnect the print head cables from the system board. You may have to open the print head cable connectors on the system board first, then disconnect the cables.
3.Disconnect connectors J4, J5, and J6 from the system board.
4.Remove the machine from the base. To do this, push the frame latches out as you lift the machine from the base. Set the machine aside.
5.Disconnect the power supply cable from the system board.
6.Remove the 4 power supply mounting screws and remove the power supply.
NOTE: The fuse on the power supply is for safety pur- poses only. If it blows, there is a bad component on the board. Do not replace the fuse. A new fuse will not correct the failure.