Parts Catalog
How To Use This Parts Catalog
•SIMILAR ASSEMBLIES: If two assemblies contain a major- ity of identical parts, they are broken down on the same list. Common parts are shown by one index number. Parts peculiar to one or the other of the assemblies are listed sep- arately and identified by description.
•AR: (As Required) in the Units column indicates that the quantity is not the same for all machines.
•NR: (Not Recommended) in the Units column indicates that the part is procurable but not recommended for field replacement, and that the next higher assembly should be ordered.
•R: (Restricted) in the Units column indicates that the part has a restricted availability.
•NS: (Not Shown) in the
•INDENTURE: The indenture is marked by a series of dots located before the parts description. The indenture indi- cates the relationship of a part to the next higher assembly. For example:
(One dot) o Detail parts of a main assembly
(One dot) o Subassembly of the main assembly (Two dot) o o Detail part of a
(Two dot) o o Subassembly of a