<Read carefully before prooceding with the lecture of this manual>
This is a class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
Adopt necessary measures to run the system in an environment free of electromagnetic disturbs. The system is capable to restore its functionality after a failure due to electromagnetic disturbs if they do not damage or alter the device.
This product has been developed and implements following regulations:
EN55022 (Class A); EN55024 (B criteria); EN61000; EN60950.
Use only modems supported by this monitoring unit. Dixell S.r.l. can accept no responsibility for possible damage due the usage of not supported modems.
Dixell S.r.l. reserves itself the right to alter this manual without notice. The last version available can be downloaded from the website.
Dixell S.r.l. reserves the right to change the composition of its products, even without notice, ensuring the same and unchanged functionality.
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