capturing, 4-23–4-25 executing captured, 4-25 printing, 4-26
updating software from CD, 4-28 from diskette, 4-28 remotely, 4-29
processing parameters, setting, 4-16 publications, related, xi
pull-down menus
click method, 1-4 drag method, 1-4
types, 1-3
Quit buttons, 1-21
Recovery Control field, 4-64 Reset button, 1-22
Reset Now button, 1-22 resident fonts, 1-11
adding, 3-9 displaying, 3-8
resolution, 1-11, 4-6 Resolution display, 1-18 Resolution window, 4-6 Resource Limits, 1-11
restoring configuration files, 1-13, 4-67 Rotation display, 1-18
safety hotline, iv precautions, iv standards, iii
Sample File field, 4-19 Sample printing window, 4-18 samples, printing, 1-12, 4-18–4-22 Save button, 1-22
service call, logging, 1-12 Service Mode, 4-2 service mode, 1-12
Set Jam Time field, 4-64 setup information, 1-18–1-19
Sheet Exit to EndofSet Time field, 4-65 Sheet Jam Time field, 4-64 shutdown system, 1-14
maximum duplex, 1-11
mode, specifying value maximum, 4-7 printing, selecting, 4-33
single-tag interlock mode, 3-4 size units, specifying, 4-15 slumber mode timer, 1-11
SMM Value for Finishing Function field, 4-64 software license text string, loading, 3-11–3-12 software updates
from CD, 1-12, 4-28 from diskette, 1-12, 4-28 remotely, 1-12, 4-29
stacker trays, configuring, 1-16 status information, 1-18–1-19 Status section, 1-19 Statuses Supported field, 4-65 stitching attributes, 4-60 Stop button, 1-20
changing settings, 1-21
current configuration, displaying, 1-18 interface, specifying, 3-3–3-5 powering off, 2-3–2-5
powering on, 2-1–2-2
setting configuration, 4-1–4-69 shutting down, 1-14
starting and stopping, 2-1–2-7 System Options pull-down menu, 1-14, 4-30 System Resource Limits window, 3-7 System Shutdown Confirmation window, 2-4
TCP/IP option, 3-3
receiving data, 2-5, 3-5 TCP/IP Interface window, 3-5 test patterns, printing, 4-18 Testdocs menu, 4-19–4-22 Time Between Sets field, 4-64 Time Between Sheets field, 4-64 Time to Cycle Up field, 4-64 Token Ring, 2-5, 3-5
capturing, 4-23 executing, 4-25 initiating, 4-23–4-25 options, 1-12 printing, 4-26
Trace display, 1-19
Trace Mode Options pull-down menu, 4-24 Trace Mode Options window, 4-24 Trace window, 4-24
trays, stacker, 1-16
units, specifying (weight, size), 4-15