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Related publications
This Installation and User’s Guide provides general information about your
BladeCenter unit, including information about features, how to configure your
BladeCenter unit, and how to get help.
In addition to this Installation and User’s Guide, the following documentation is provided in PDF on the IBM BladeCenter Documentation CD that comes with your BladeCenter unit:
vSafety Information: This publication contains translated caution and danger statements. Each caution and danger statement that appears in the documentation has a number that you can use to locate the corresponding statement in your language in the Safety Information book.
vBladeCenter HS20 Installation and User’s Guide for each blade server type: This publication contains instructions for setting up a BladeCenter HS20 blade server and basic instructions for installing some options. It also contains general information about the blade server.
vBladeCenter HS20 Hardware Maintenance Manual and Troubleshooting Guide for each blade server type: This publication contains the information to help you solve BladeCenter HS20 problems yourself, and it contains information for service technicians.
vEserver BladeCenter Type 8677 Hardware Maintenance Manual and Troubleshooting Guide: This publication contains the information to help you solve BladeCenter problems yourself, and it contains information for service technicians.
vEserver BladeCenter Type 8677 Rack Installation Instructions: This publication contains instructions for installing the BladeCenter unit in a rack.
vInstallation and User’s Guide for each BladeCenter option, such as a switch module: This publication usually contains instructions for setting up and configuring the option and a description of the option features.
vIBM BladeCenter Management Module User’s Guide: This publication contains instructions for using the Web interface to configure the management modules in a BladeCenter.
vIBM BladeCenter Management Module Installation Guide: This publication contains instructions for installing an IBM BladeCenter management module option in a BladeCenter unit and creating the initial configuration.
4BladeCenter Type 8677: Installation and User’s Guide