MaxLoader User’s Guide
The default selection on File Load menu is in Binary Format. To select any of the HEX files mentioned above, choose “All HEX File” by pressing ⇓ button. When you have selected the desired file, press the OPEN button to load the file into the data buffer. If you are programming a PLD, you will want to load a JEDEC file. The procedure is identical to loading a data file, except that the files in the current directory will have the JED extension. If your selected device is an Altera MAX family, the file you should load is a POF extension. The MaxLoader uses a RAM buffer to hold data. After loading a file into the buffer, you can edit the buffer data. If you load a JEDEC file, you may use (the vector pattern edit) command to view or edit the fuse map and (test/vectors) for any test vectors that may have been in the JEDEC file.
File / Reload