Inova OnTime Digital Clock Owner's Manual
Here are some things to keep in mind as you set up and use DHCP private option 230:
•A clock must be
•If private option 230 is not configured on the DHCP server, this does not cause an error condition on the clock. Rather, the clock will receive an IP address from the DHCP server in the usual fashion but the clock’s settings for Time Server, Time Zone, DST, etc. will not change.
•If private option 230 is already in use for another purpose on the DHCP server, it should not interfere with the operation of the clocks. However, in order to use the DHCP configuration feature, the clock must be set (via a telnet session) to request a different private option – e.g., private option 231. See Setting a Different DHCP Option Number on a Clock on page 12 for additional information.
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