Inova OnTime Digital Clock Owner's Manual
Section 1: Introduction to Inova OnTimeTM Digital Clocks
The Inova OnTimeTM Digital Clock brings all the advantages of Power over Ethernet (PoE) technology to the marketplace in a
PoE is an exciting and relatively new technology that allows devices to get both power and data over standard network cabling. It’s the same technology that powers Voice over IP phones. Delivering both data and power over one set of wires simplifies installation, saves space, and eliminates the need for electrical outlets at the clock mounting locations. Additionally, the option of centralized UPS backup allows PoE devices to continue running even in the event of a power failure.
Note: The local area network must support IEEE 802.3af Power over Ethernet in order for the PoE clocks to operate.
This document contains:
•Safety Instructions
•Technical Specifications
•Installation Instructions
•Configuration Procedures
•Troubleshooting Solutions
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