Post-Installation Procedures (Optional)
Perform the tasks in the following sections to customize the performance of the Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI adapter.
Configuring Driver Parameters
The qfe device driver, which is loaded from the
You can manually configure the qfe device driver parameters to customize each SUNW,qfe device in your system in one of three ways:
■Configure the qfe driver parameters generally for all SUNW,qfe devices in the system by entering the parameter variables in the /etc/system file.
■Set a parameter on a
/kernel/drv directory.
■Use the ndd utility to temporarily change a parameter. This change is lost when you reboot the system.
See Appendix C, “Configuring the Quad FastEthernet Device Driver Parameters,” for more information.
Increasing TCP/IP Performance
The TCP/IP performance of the Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI adapter can be increased by changing the TCP high water mark to 64K. This can be done with the ndd utility as follows.
1.As superuser (root), type:
The changes take effect immediately and affect all the networking interfaces in the system. The changes are lost when you reboot the system.
Chapter 3 Configuring the Driver Software 15