Before Installing the Software
Verifying the Software and Hardware
Before installing the software, answer the following questions:
■Does your system have any available 3.3V or 5V PCI slots?
■Have you downloaded the SunHSI software from the Sun Download Center at: http://www.sun.com/download
■What is the installation directory (default directory is /opt)?
■Do you have the superuser password for both the system where the software is to be installed and the system with download software, if different?
■Does your system have enough disk space?
Use both the following commands to check for disk space:
#df -k /opt
TABLE 3-1 Required Disk Space
SunHSI Package Name | Default Installation Directory | Approximate Space Required | |
SUNWhsip | / | 1 | Mbyte |
SUNWhsipm and SUNWhsipu | /opt | 1 | Mbyte total |
▼To Remove Older Versions of the Software
Caution – Do not overwrite any existing SunHSI software packages. If you install the SunHSI software packages over existing SunHSI software packages, you will have two instances of the software packages. This might cause problems when installing or backing out of software patches.
Chapter 3 SunHSI PCI Software Installation 11