▼To Set Up a Diskless Client on a GigaSwift Ethernet Network
1.Locate the root directory of the diskless client on the host server.
The root directory of diskless client system is commonly installed in the host server’s /export/root/client_name directory, where client_name is the diskless client’s host name. In this procedure, the root directory will be:
#ls /export/root
2.Insert the Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Driver 1.0 CD into the server’s
The CD should automatically mount to the /cdrom/cdrom0 directory. If the CD did not get mounted to this directory, refer to “Installing the Driver Software” on page 5 for mounting instructions.
3.Use the pkgadd
You will need to install the SUNWced, SUNWcedm, and SUNWcedu software packages to the client’s root directory.
#cd /cdrom/cdrom0/GigaSwiftEthernet/Packages
#cd /
4.Eject the Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Driver 1.0 CD from the
5.Create a hostname.cenumber file in the diskless client’s root directory.
You will need to create an /export/root/client_name/etc/hostname.cenumber file for the GigaSwift Ethernet interface. See “Configuring the Network Host Files” on page 17 for instructions.
6.Edit the hosts in the diskless client’s root directory.
You will need to edit the /export/root/client_name/etc/hosts file to include the IP address of the GigaSwift Ethernet interface. See “Configuring the Network Host Files” on page 17 for instructions.
20 Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • February 2001