Compact Wireless-G Internet Video Camera
The Basic screen allows you to alter the Camera’s settings, including the network and wireless configuration.
Device Settings
Device ID. Displayed here is the Camera’s identification name, which is based on its MAC address.
Camera Name. You may assign any name to the Camera. Unique, memorable names are helpful, especially if you are using multiple Cameras on the same wireless network. You can enter up to 15 characters.
Description. Enter information about the Camera in this field. You can enter up to 32 characters.
LED Operation. Click the Enable radio button if you want the Camera’s LED to light up when the Camera is working. Click the Disable radio button if you want the LED permanently disabled.
Current Date/Time. The current date and time are automatically displayed. Click the Sync with PC button if you want the Camera to synchronize its date and time with your PC.
Time Zone. Select the time zone for the Camera’s location.
Adjust for daylight savings. To adjust the Camera’s current time for daylight savings, click the checkbox.
LAN Settings
Configuration Type. If the Camera will obtain an IP address automatically from a DHCP server, then select Automatic Configuration - DHCP. If you will assign the Camera a static IP address, then select Fixed IP Address, and complete the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, and DNS fields.
IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, Primary DNS, Secondary DNS. Complete these fields if the Camera will use a static IP address. You need to enter at least one DNS address.
Wireless Settings
SSID. Enter the network’s SSID or network name here.
Network Type. Select the network’s mode, Infrastructure or
Channel No. If the Camera is set to
Security. To enable wireless security, click the Edit Security Settings button. For more information, proceed to the “Security Settings” section.
Chapter 8: Using the Compact
Figure 8-7: Basic - Device Settings Screen
Figure 8-8: Basic - LAN and Wireless Settings Screen