Printing Multiple Labels Using Smart Paste
However, the following three lines of text contain no blank lines. So, Smart Paste will print three
Printing Multiple Labels Using Smart Paste
When you use Smart Paste to print multiple labels, the labels will be formatted using the font, size, and style currently selected for the text or address object receiving the text. You can use Smart Paste to print text from the clipboard or a file.
Printing from the Clipboard
You can use Smart Paste to print labels using data copied to the clipboard.
To print multiple labels from the clipboard
1Create a label as described in Chapter 2, Getting Started.
2Make sure you have at least one text or address object on the label.
If using a text object for the paste, select Function as Variable Text Object on the Text Settings dialog box.
3Copy the text you wish to print as labels to the clipboard.
4Select Smart Paste, and then From Clipboard from the Edit menu. A dialog box appears telling you how many labels will be printed.
5Click Yes. The labels begin printing.
Printing from a File
You can use Smart Paste to print data saved in a CSV or text file.
To print multiple labels from a file
1Save the data you wish to print as labels as a CSV or text file.
2Create a label as described in Chapter 2, Getting Started.
3Make sure you have at least one text or address object on the label.
If using a text object for the paste, select Function as Variable Text Object on the Text Settings dialog box.