Delta Electronics DVPEN01-SL manual „ Network Settings

Page 12

Ethernet Communication Module DVPEN01-SL

Storing the data to be transmitted to the remote MPU.

CR#49 ~ 68: Data Receiving Buffer


Storing the data received from the remote MPU.

CR#81: Read Address for Data Exchange


Setting up manually the Modbus address of the register for Slave data exchange. Only register address is allowed (e.g. D0 = H’1000).

CR#82: Read Length for Data Exchange


The number of receiving registers (K1 ~ K128) in data exchange.

CR#83: Read Length for Data Exchange


Setting up the Modbus address of the register for Master data exchange.

CR#84: Written-in Address for Data Exchange


Setting up manually the Modbus address of the register for Slave data exchange.

CR#85: Written-in Address for Data Exchange


The number of transmission registers (K1 ~ K128) in data exchange.

CR#86: Transmission Address for Data Exchange


1.Setting up the Modbus address of the register for Master data exchange.

2.Example: Write H’1000 (D0) into CR#81, K1 into CR#82, and H’1064 (D100) into CR#83. If the data exchange is successful, the value in D0 of the Slave will be written into D100 of the MPU. Or write H’1002 (D2) into CR#84, K4 into CR#85, and H’1008 (D8) into CR#86. If the data exchange is successful, the value in D8 ~ D11 of the Master will be written into D2 ~ D5 of the Slave. Both sending and receiving can be executed at the same time. When the values in CR#82 and #85 are both “0”, DVPEN01-SL will use the default registers (CR#29 ~ CR#68) and number of registers (K20).

„Network Settings

CR#69: DHCP/Static IP


You can select either DHCP or Static IP. When the CR value is set as “0” Æ Static IP; When the CR value is set as “1” Æ DHCP (dynamic IP).


DVP-PLC Application Manual

Image 12
Contents DVPEN01-SL Page Table of Contents Application Examples Introduction Product Profile & Outline Installation & Wiring Control Register CR Ethernet Communication Module DVPEN01-SL „ E-mail Functions „ Data Exchange „ Network Settings CR#74, 75 Gateway Numbering of Left-Side Extension Modules Setting up Software Ethernet Communication Module DVPEN01-SL Ethernet Communication Module DVPEN01-SL Basic Settings Ethernet Communication Module DVPEN01-SL Network Settings Ethernet Communication Module DVPEN01-SL Dhcp Ethernet Communication Module DVPEN01-SL Data Exchange IP Filter Static ARP Table Setting up Password Returning to Default Setting Export & Import of DVPEN01-SL Files Recording IP Address Application Examples Ethernet Communication Module DVPEN01-SL Ethernet Communication Module DVPEN01-SL Connecting the PC with DVPEN01-SL through LAN DVPEN01 DVP-PLC Ethernet Communication Module DVPEN01-SL Ethernet Communication Module DVPEN01-SL END Setting up Password and Clearing Password Ethernet Communication Module DVPEN01-SL Ethernet Communication Module DVPEN01-SL IP Filter Protection Ethernet Communication Module DVPEN01-SL Setting up Static ARP Table Application of E-Mail Ethernet Communication Module DVPEN01-SL Explanations TRD SET TOP From K100 K86 H1064 HFF Ethernet Communication Module DVPEN01-SL Memo