•Notification function under unusual condition- The function makes it possible to transmit im- age taken when something unusual occurs through
•FireWall compatible - Even if
2.System Requirement
•Network: 10
For PC to access DX-VS1UE
•Processor: Intel Pentium series or Intel Celeron series, and the IBM PC/AT compatible machine with CPU of 400 or more Mhzes.
•OS: Windows 98SE/ME/NT4.0 WS SP6/2000/XP SP1
•RAM: 128MB and More
•Video board and monitor which can display image at 1024x768 pixel or higher and more than 32768 colors.
•Web Browser: MS Internet Explorer 5.0 or later.
•NIC(Network Interface Card) which works normally on the
•All devices which meets the above mentioned conditions shall not be guaranteed to be available for using