8. Install the MACh Speed G3 into your system.
IMPORTANT: Handle by the edges only! Do not push down on the heat sink. Doing so may damage the card and/or computer. Excessive force is not needed to seat the card. if steady, gentle pressure does not work, pull the card out and insert again.
•The MACh Speed G3 Upgrade will face the same direc- tion as the older card that you just removed. In most cases this is with the heat sink towards the Power Supply. The connector is designed to fit only one way.
•Holding the card by the edges (do not depress the heat sink), insert, into the connector without twisting or rock- ing.
•You may feel the card going into the slot in two stages: the first row of contacts slides in, and then the second row. Be sure that you push the card all the way into the slot.
•When the card is properly installed, you cannot see any of the gold contacts.
9.Install the grounding clip.
•The clip slides over one wall of the top chassis. Make sure the grounding clip also touches the CPU card heat sink. NOTE: If your Mac does not have a Grounding Strap, ignore this step.
Installing the grounding clip
clip attached to wall
MACh Speed G3 Upgrade Card
expansion wall
Installing the MACh Speed G3 Upgrade Card
Chapter 2 - Installing the MACh Speed G3 Upg | rade Car d |
Page 16
clip contacts card and wall
Cutaway view of the installed grounding clip
Chapter 2 - Installing the MACh Speed G3 Upg | r ade Car d |
Page 17