How to Operate the MDLP1, con’t
| Item | Resolution Selection |
Component | Auto, 480i/576i, 480p, 540p, 576p, 720p | |
| 1 and 2 | 1035i, 1080i, 1080p |
HDMI | Auto, 480i/576i, 480p, 576p, 720p, 1035i, | |
| 1 and 2 | 1080i, 1080p |
CSC HDMI | Auto, RGB, YPBPR 4:4:4, YPBPR 4:2:2, | |
| 1 and 2 | YCBCR 4:4:4, YCBCR 4:2:2, |
Notes: CSC (Color Space Conversion) selection is for HDMI inputs only. YPBPR mode is suitable for HD TV sig- nals such a 720p, 1080i. YCBCR mode is suitable for SD TV signals such a 480i, 480p.
RGB/HD Adjust
The RGB/HD allow for fine adjustments to be made to HD (High Resolution) Video Signals. Refer to figure 29.
Standard 1 |
Picture Adjust | � � � Mode | Memory 1 |
Fine Menu 1 | Readjust |
Fine Menu 2 | Resolution H | 0 |
Input Signal | Resolution V | 0 |
RGB/HD Adjust | Position H | 0 |
Display | Position V | 0 |
OSD/Blanking | Phase | 0 |
Config. | Clamp Position | 0 |
| Clamp Width | 0 |
Figure 29
Mode - Auto: Automatically adjusts each of the RGB/HD Menu items.
Memory: Allows for manual adjustments of the
ments can be stored in one of three memory locations.
Resolution H, V - Adjusts the horizontal and vertical reso- lution of the RGB/HD input signals.
Position H, V - Adjust the position of the input signal. H adjusts the horizontal position of the input signal. V adjusts the vertical position of the input signal. The remaining adjustments are for RGB signals and are thus “grayed out”.
Display Menu Adjust
The Display Menu allows for electronic adjustments to be made to the image to compensate for orientation of the pro- jector relative to the screen. Refer to figure 30.
Note: Before using the electronic adjustments, make sure all of the Initial Setup Mechanical Adjustments have been made first. Refer to pages 14 and 15.
Standard 1 |
Fine Menu 1 | Keystone | 0 |
Fine Menu 2 | Scale | 0 |
Input Signal | Width | 0 |
RGB/HD Adjust | Position H | 0 |
Display | Position V | 0 |
OSD/Blanking | Overscan | Enable |
Config. | Installation | Front |
Figure 30
Keystone - Refer to “Vertical Keystone Adjustment” on page 23.
Scale - Reduces the image size without changing the aspect ratio. The image can be reduced to about 70% of the original size.
Width - Reduces the image width without changing the image height. The width can be reduced to about 75% of the original size.
Position H, V - Adjust the position of the input signal. H adjusts the horizontal position of the input signal. V adjusts the vertical position of the input signal.
Overscan - Selects whether to show or hide picture borders with SD (Standard Definition) video signals. Enable: Default mode.
Disable: Reduces the size of the image so the edges of the video signal can be seen.
Installation - Refer to “Display Installation Orientation” on page 23.