Setup Parameter | Values | Description |
INTERFACE TYPE | parallel, serial, automatic, | Selects the interface type. In case of ‘automatic’ the interface |
| auto+blink | type is selected by the printer depending on data coming from |
| host. When the auto+blink item is selected, the P1 and P2 |
| leds blink to indicate which interface is selected: P1 blinks |
| when the parallel interface is selected, whereas P2 blinks, |
| when the serial interface is selected. |
INPUT BUFFER | 1 Kb, 8 Kb, 16 Kb, 32 Kb | Selects the buffer size. |
IGNORE PE | enabled, disabled | Selects whether the printer signals the paper empty condition |
| (disabled) or not (enabled). |
AUTOFEED SIGNAL | disabled, enabled | The parallel interface uses (enabled) or does not use |
| (disabled) the AUTOFEED signal. |
| disabled, enabled | The parallel interface uses (enabled) or does not use |
| (disabled) the |
BUFFER CONTROL | DTR+SRTS, SRTS, | Selection of the buffer protocol. |
ROBUST XON | enabled, disabled | Perform the Robust XON (enabled) or not (disabled). |
WORD LENGTH | 7 bit, 8 bit | Sets the number of the data bits. |
BAUD RATE | 600 - 38400 bps | Sets the data transfer rate. |
PARITY BIT | even, odd, none | Selects the parity control for the data. |