AMD CS5535 manual Test Extended Dram, GeodeLink Modules Initialization, Size Memory

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32430C Memory

Entry Conditions:

4 GB descriptor in FS Core register.


For each DIMM:

Set the following in the MC_CF07_DATA register MSR Address 20000018h):

Module Banks per DIMM

SPD byte 5: Number of DIMM Banks

Banks per SDRAM device

SPD byte 17: Number of Banks on SDRAM device

DIMM size - Size = Density * Banks

SPD byte 5: Number of DIMM Banks

SPD byte 31: Module Bank Density

Page size - Page size = 2^# Column Addresses

SPD byte 4: Number of Column Addresses

Set CAS Latency in MC_CF8F_DATA register (MSR Address 20000019h):

SPD byte 18: CAS Latency

Turn on the memory interface in MC_CFCLK_DBUG bit MASK_CKE[1:0] (MSR Address 2000001Dh[9:8]).

Do 12 refreshes (CF07_PROG_DRAM) for the Memory Controller to synchronize.

Set the refresh rate of the DIMM – SPD byte 12: Refresh Rate/Type.

Load RDSYNC counter with sync value.

Note: See the AMD Geode™ GX Processors Data Book (publication ID 31505) for bit descriptions and allocation.

4.1.4Test Extended DRAM

Entry Conditions:

4 GB descriptor in FS Core register.

All memory configured.


Set GLIU descriptor to allow writes to memory.

Make sure interface is turned on in MC_CFCLK_DBUG bit MASK_CKE[1:0] (MSR Address 2000001Dh[9:8]).

Determine total amount of memory by doing a read/write test.

For each 1 MB block of memory:

1)Walk a 1 through data bus at first location of block.

2)Walk a 0 through data bus at first location of block.

3)Check for stuck address line in the block.

Continue test if no memory present for debug purposes.

4.1.5GeodeLink™ Modules Initialization

Descriptors routing memory and I/O for GX processor modules are initialized by GeodeROM and Virtual System Architec- ture™ (VSA) technology. GeodeLink modules that are virtualized by VSA technology and use PCI memory or PCI I/O, report that resource in the virtual PCI header. The GLIU is configured with MSRs like all GX processor modules.

AMD Geode™ GX Processor/CS5535 Companion Device GeodeROM Porting Guide


Image 17
Contents Publication ID 32430C AprilTrademarks Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reservedContents Contents GeodeLink Architecture Topology List of FiguresList of Figures List of Tables List of Tables Introduction Overview1Assumption Example MSR Transaction Model Specific Registers2Load MSR specified by ECX into Edxeax Write the value in Edxeax to MSR specified by ECXModel Specific Registers AMD Geode GeodeLink Architecture3GX Processor CS5535 Companion DeviceDescriptors GeodeLink MSR AddressingAddressing Example Memory Descriptor TypesProcessor Initialization Set Clocks and ResetSysref Mdiv VdivCPU Identification Calculating Processor SpeedMemory Controller Initialization Size Memory Test Extended DramGeodeLink Modules Initialization Default Region Configuration Properties Bit Descriptions Descriptor MSR Address Glpci RegionsDescriptor Allocation Chipset ID AMD Geode CS5535 Companion Device InitializationSet ID Select Idsel Gliu InitializationIRQ Mapper Multi Function General Purpose Timers MFGPTsKeyboard Emulation Logic KEL 1+ System Management Bus SMBusAcpi Power Management LogicFlash Interface Other Legacy DD InitializationATA-5 / Hard Drive Initialization Diverse Device I/O LocationsUniversal Serial Bus USB 7 AC97 Audio Controller InitializationPCI Bus Initialization Virtual System Architecture InitializationGeodeLink Control Processor Initialization Allocate Processor Frame Buffer and VSA2 MemoryInitialize Graphics Subsystem Miscellaneous InitializationsMonochrome Support Dual Monitor Support32430C Clocking Implementation5Scratchpad Initialization Post CodesImplementation Setup Options6 32430C VSA Memory7MapROM VSA PCI Memory MappedFrame Buffer GeodeROM Flow GX Processor/CS5535 Device VSA Table A-1. Revision History Document Revision HistoryRevision # Revisions / Comments Initial release