There is an
The current output level is 10.
2.[ - ] [ - ] [ - ]
The level is now 7 and is too low.
3.[ + ] [ + ] [ + ] [ + ] [ + ] [ + ] [ + ] [ + ]
The level is now 15 and no further adjustments are required.
32.[ + ]
This command increments a selected property to be adjusted from the keyboard or front panel.
Command Format: [ + ]
[+]= Increment level by
See the [SEL] command example.
33.[ - ]
This command decrements a selected property to be adjusted from the keyboard or front panel.
Command Format: [ - ]
See the [SEL] command example.
The following 7 commands are used to control the volume of the
When defined as a volume control key, the key will respond to two conditions: press and release. Below, subroutine 8 starts ramping up when key 8 is pressed. Subroutine 10 starts ramping down when key 10 is pressed. Subroutine 108 stops ramping when either key is released.
Since there are multiple outputs on this card, the output to ramp must first be selected using the [SEL] command. For example, send [SEL2C4] and then [RDNC4] to ramp down the volume level on Output 2 of C4. Then, send the [SEL2C4] and [RUPC4] commands to ramp the level back up.
{WRS8=RUPC4} | //Ramp Up |
{WRK8=8,108,0,0,0} | //Press= start, release= stop |
{WRS10=RDNC4} | //Ramp Down |
{WRK10=10,108,0,0,0} | //Press= start, release= stop |
{SETVK8} | //Set key 8 as volume key |
{WRLK8=VOL_UP} | //Define Key 8 Label |
{SETVK10} | //Set key 8 as volume key |
{WRLK10=VOL_DN} | //Define Key 8 Label |
[RAMP=10C4] | //Set the ramp rate. |
This command ramps the output volume to its maximum level at the rate defined using the [RAMP] command.
Command Format: [RUPCnUi]
Cn = Card ID (n = # from 1 to max slots)
Ui = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 9)
Ramp the output volume on Output 1 from a starting level of 10 to the maximum level of 32 for the card in slot 8. Send the commands [SEL1C8] then [RUPC8] and the system will respond with the following feedback:
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