Error Code Listing
The Scalar Series Libraries will display a
Scalar Series Error Codes
Code | Name | Description |
06 | S_EMPTY | The source location was empty when the Picker attempted to pick from |
| it during a pick and place operation. |
07 | D_FULL | The destination was full when the Picker attempted to place a cartridge |
| in it during a pick and place operation. |
0C | DOOR_OPEN | This code is displayed whenever the door is open when the Picker is |
| starting to execute a motion command. |
0D | DOOR | Means that the door was open, but is now closed. This code will only |
| appear on the serial port, it should never appear on the display. It |
| should never be output on the serial port unless it is preceded by a 0C |
| (see above). |
12 | LOST_CASS | A pick from Mailbox failed to pick a cartridge. This code is picker |
| revision dependent. Only early pickers will display this code. |
27 | INV_PICK_RESP | This error code appears whenever the Picker cpu does not return the |
| proper response to a Master cpu command. |
28DRV_RDY_TIMEOUT This error appears whenever the ‘OK to Operate Handle’ bit is not set within a specific
29 | NO_DRIVE | During |
| normally occurs during the Scalar boot process. |
2A | PICK_NO_RESP | This error code appears whenever the Picker cpu does not return any |
| response to a Master cpu command. |
2B | PICK_CMD_TIMEOUT | This error appears whenever the Picker cpu does not return results from |
| executing a command within a |
2C | BARCODE_FAIL | All barcode errors return this code. |
2D | MB_DOOR_OPEN | One or both of the Mailbox doors were open when a Mailbox pick and |
| place operation was attempted. |
32 | X_POSITION | An |
| servo cpu does not match the position reported by the |
| tachometer plus or minus a margin value. |
33 | Y_POSITION | A |
| servo cpu does not match the position reported by the |
| tachometer plus or minus a margin value. |
FE or 7E | FRAME_ERR | An |
| line. |
FD or 7D | JAW_CTR_ERR | Picker jaw centering error. May be caused by something blocking the |
| jaw. |
FC or 7C | NOT_EMPTY_ERR | The Picker attempted a pick operation but already had a cartridge in it. |
68 | Error Codes |