C l e a r I m a g e B u f f e r
This command clears all or selective graphics from the image buffer. Once graphic data is sent to the printer, that graphic stays in memory until a clear image buffer command is sent.
Syntax | { C## } |
F i e l d | Contents |
C | Must be the letter ‘C’ to identify the clear image buffer |
| command. |
## | This optional parameter specifies a particular graphic to be |
| cleared from memory. It must match the number assigned in |
| the graphic data stream. If omitted, ALL graphics in memory |
| will be deleted. |
Example | {C} Clears all graphics from the printer. |
| {C4} Clears only graphic number 4. |
C o m p r e s s i n g t h e D a t a S t r e a m
Image data usually consists of a large amount of repetitive data. Therefore, the printer uses a data compression algorithm for the graphic message structure. Here’s how it works.
1.Any image is defined as a matrix of cells.
2.Each row of the matrix consists of a series of consecutive ON (black) or OFF (white) cells. The range is
Example: 39 consecutive white cells are represented by the letters ‘zm’ (i.e. ‘z’ produces 26 white cells followed by ‘m’ or 13 more white cells).