To print human readable characters for Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5, Codabar, Code 128 and MSI bar codes, create a separate text field. However, using this method with UPC or EAN bar codes may not correctly print the bar code.
A new format with the same ID number as a previously defined format overwrites the old format. However, the old format is not overwritten until all batches queued to use the old format are completed.
End records with a record separator ( p ).
End the last record in your format with a terminator character (}).
S t a n d a r d S y n t a x G u i d e l i n e s f o r B a t c h e s
Read the standard syntax guidelines and note the additional items for batches.
A batch header must be the first record in your batch.
For a batch header record or batch data, make sure the number in the first parameter matches the number of the format you are using.
If you choose
If the field is an incrementing field, you can enter any type of characters; however, only the numeric data increments.
Send the correct format to the printer before sending the batch. Batch data without a defined format generates an error.