Table 2-1. Seven Basic Network Rules (Continued)
Rule | Definition | Recommendations/Notes |
4 | Certain LAN devices | Many LAN products delay the signal |
| on the network shrink | that goes through them. This is |
| the maximum Fiber | known as equivalent distance. Every |
| Ethernet network | microsecond delay reduces the |
| diameter to less than | maximum link distance. In fact, |
| 4200 meters. | every microsecond delay shrinks the |
| network diameter by approximately |
| 200 meters of fiber cable. Table |
| lists the Equivalent Distances for |
| other 3Com products. |
5 | Assume that one | This is a conservative rule of thumb. |
| meter of coaxial or | For example, the actual equivalence |
| twisted pair is equal to | is about 1.1 meters of coaxial for |
| one meter of fiber | every meter of fiber. For simplicity, |
| cable. | assume one meter. |