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Serial options menu
1)Change starting computer number … 1
2)Change the serial port baud rate … 9600
3)Receive new main program or kernel from serial port (this card only)
4)Send this unit’s main program to other units
5)Send this unit’s kernel to other units
6)Reset configuration data to factory defaults (this card only)
7)Save changes made in 1 and 2 (this card only)
8)Exit (restart the unit)
Enter choice - - >
Connected 0:03:00 Auto detect 9600
Figure 30. Serial menu
Serial menu options
Option 3, 4 and 5 are not available when using a display terminal.
Option 1. Change Starting Computer (From card #1 only)
Select this option to change the starting computer number. To change the current value press 1; a prompt will display, as shown below. Type in the new starting computer number and press [Enter].
Enter the starting CPU number
The serial option menu will display again. Select Option 7 to save the new starting computer number to flash memory. Cycle power on the UltraMatrix switch to distribute the new value to all the other CPU cards in this switch.
Option 2. Change the serial port baud rate
Select this option to change the baud rate on the serial ports of the UltraMatrix switch. The serial ports can be set to either 9600 or 57,600 (bps). The option menu shows the current serial port setting. To change this from current setting press 2. The message below will appear.
Baud rate changed to 9600 (or 57,600)
Set baud rate of your terminal to 9600 (or 57.600) and press return.
Make sure the terminal or computers communication program’s baud rate matches the new setting.
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