Data Sheet: Xeta iHG48070A033V, 3.3V/70A Output Half Brick Series
Thermal Performance:
| 70 |
| 70 |
(A) | 60 |
| ) | 60 |
| (A |
| |
u rre n t | 50 |
| u rre n t | 50 |
| ||
u tp u t C | 40 |
| u tp u t C | 40 |
O |
| O |
| 30 |
| 30 |
| 20 |
| 20 |
| |
| 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 | 110 | 120 | 130 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 | 110 | 120 | 130 |
Ambient Temperature (C) | Ambient Temperature (C) |
NC0.3m/s(60LFM) | 0.5m/s(100LFM) | 1.0m/s(200LFM) | NC0.3m/s(60LFM) | 0.5m/s(100LFM) | 1.0m/s(200LFM) | ||
1.5m/s(300LFM) | 2.0m/s(400LFM) | 3.0m/s(600LFM) | 1.5m/s(300LFM) | 2.0m/s(400LFM) | 3.0m/s(600LFM) | ||
MaxMOSFETTemperature |
| MaxMOSFETTemperature |
Maximumoutputcurrentvs.ambienttemperatureatn | ominal | Maximumoutputcurrentvs.ambienttemperatureatn | ominal | ||||
inputvoltageforairflowratesnaturalconvection | (0.3m/s)to | inputvoltageforairflowratesnaturalconvection | (0.3m/s)to | ||||
3.0m/swithairflowfrompin4to1. |
| 3.0m/swithairflowfrompin1topin4. |
| ||
| Thermal |
| |
| Measurement |
| |
| Location(Drain |
| |
| padofMOSFET) |
| |
Thethermalcurvesprovidedarebaseduponmeasurem | entsmadeinTDKInnoveta’sexperimentaltestsetup | thatis | |||
describedintheThermalManagementsection.Dueto | thelargenumberofvariablesinsystemdesign,TD |
| KInnoveta | ||
recommends that the user verifythemodule’s therma | l performance in the end application. Thecritical |
| component | ||
shouldbethermocoupledandmonitored,andshould |
| notexceedthetemperaturelimitspecifiedinthed | eratingcurve | ||
above.Itiscriticalthatthethermocouplebemoun | tedinamannerthatgivesdirectthermalcontacto | therwisesignificant | |||
measurementerrorsmayresult. |
©2008TDKInnovetaInc. | ℡(877)498 0099 |
iHGDatasheet20080515Revision1.1 | 10/16 |
| |