78 | Cheetah 73LP Product Manual, Rev. E |
office environment 30 | |
operating 27, 28, 30 | |
operating option 35 |
operating parameter | 48 |
operator intervention | 13 |
option jumper 35 |
option jumper location | 35 |
option select header | 52 |
option select jumper | 35 |
options 8 |
orientation 10, 28, 40 | |
41 | |
Output characteristics | 64 |
package size | 28 |
| |
package test specification | 4 | |||||
packaged | 28 |
parameter rounding | 51 |
| ||||
parity 39 |
parity checking | 39 |
| ||
parity error | 39 |
| |
partition or logical drive | 35 |
| ||||
PCBA 35, 38, 41, 48, 52, 54, 57 | ||||||
PCBA circuit run | 54 |
| ||
PD jumper | 39 |
peak bits/inch | 9 |
| |
peak starting current | 21 |
| ||||
performance characteristics | 9 | |||||
performance degradation 28 | ||||||
peripheral I/O cable | 22 |
| ||||
Persistent Reserve In |
| 45 |
| |||
Persistent Reserve Out | 45 |
| ||||
physical buffer space | 11 |
| ||||
physical characteristics | 52 |
| ||||
physical damage | 30 |
| ||
physical interface | 52, | 53 |
physically contiguous blocks of data 12 power 21, 22, 39
power connector 21, 22 power control switch 10 power dissipation 25, 26 power distribution 3 power sequencing 22 power supply voltage 13
prefetch (read
prefetch data 12 prefetch field 12
prefetch hit 12 prefetch mode 10
prefetch of contiguous blocks 12 prefetch operation 10, 12 prefetch segmented cache control 10 preventive maintenance 13
PRML read channel electronics 5 product data page 47 programmable drive capacity 8
queue full 51 queue tagging 51
radio interference regulations 3 read 11
read command 11, 12 read data 11
read error 13
read error rate 13, 33 read operation 11 read retry count 33 read/write head 9 ready 48
receive diagnostic results 34 receiver circuits 65 recommended mounting 29 recoverable seek error 13 reference documents 4 regulation 21
relative humidity 27 reliability 7
and service 14 reliability specifications 13 remote switch 35
repair information 19 REQ/ACK offset 52 request sense command 34 request sense information 14 reservation conflict 51 reset condition 51 resonance 28
retrieved data 11
S.M.A.R.T. 7 |
safe power transmission 55 |
safety 3 |
saved value 48, 49 |
4 | |
SCAM 35 |
commands 44 |
format commands 13 |
interface data transfer rate | 10 |